Personal Training/ Private Lessons

Personal Trainer/Private Lessons

Holly Harrison - CoMo Rocks’ PT and Private Lessons Instructor

"My name is Holly Harrison, and I was born in Springfield, MO and currently live here in Columbia. From competitor isolation next to Michaela Kiersch and Brooke Raboutou, to the highball boulders around Emerald Lake in the Rockies, I've grown up immersed in some of the best climbing in the nation. Climbing has always been a way of centering myself in this chaotic world and taught me resilience and perseverance in the face of challenge.

I love helping others explore what movement means and feels like to them, whether with the goal of fitness or competition, or something even more personal than that. I've pushed myself beyond what I thought my limits were again and again and know just how to push you there, too.

I also have a formal background in personal training with several long-term clients and an in-progress certification with the National Academy of Sports Medicine, so if you're looking for a more conventional personal trainer experience, you've come to the right place. We can work on fitness through climbing, traditional workout methods, weightlifting, or all of the above. I'm excited to work with you to achieve your goals and explore the power of movement together.”


$75/per hour session


Fill out this form and Holly will email you shortly after to complete the sign up and set up a schedule.

If you have any questions email